The Wassmann team has just published a new paper in Developmental Cell:
Cyclin B3 implements timely vertebrate oocyte arrest for fertilization
To ensure successful offspring ploidy, vertebrate oocytes must halt the cell cycle in meiosis II until sperm entry. Emi2 is essential to keep oocytes arrested until fertilization. However, how this arrest is implemented exclusively…
Invited by Virginie Courtier, Olivier Tenaillon (Inserm, Université Paris Cité) will give on October 14th a seminar entitled :
"Molecular determinants of bacterial adaptation in vitro, in vivo, in infectio. "
Research interests
With the rise of antibiotic resistance and the emergence of new forms of virulence, it has become clear that microbial evolution is…
The Wassmann Team has just published a new paper in Star Protocols!
Protocol to measure cleavage efficiency of the meiotic cohesin subunit Rec8 by separase in mouse oocytes using a biosensor
Here, we describe a biosensor to assess meiotic cohesin subunit Rec8 cleavage in mouse oocytes. We detail oocyte collection and microinjection of the mRNA…
The CNRS Foundation has just awarded the Georges Brahms Prize to Priscillia Lhoumaud, Research Fellow at the Institut Jacques Monod in the team "Chromatin Dynamics in Mammalian Development", directed by Maxim Greenberg.
Priscillia Lhoumaud got her PhD in 2014 in the Laboratory of Eucaryotic Molecular Biology at Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, in the team of Olivier…
The Conduit Lab is looking for a postdoc as part of an ANR grant
Application deadline 21st Nov 2022
Apply now! paul.conduit at
More: IJM_postdoc_advert_2022
Virginie Courtier appointed to the annual Biodiversity and Ecosystems Chair at the Collège de France
Virginie Courtier has been appointed to the Annual Chair of Biodiversity and Ecosystems at the Collège de France. This appointment is a recognition of the high quality of her work.
She will give her inaugural lecture "Penser le vivant autrement" on 9 February 2023 at 6 pm.
Director of research at the CNRS, Virginie Courtier and her…
The Ladoux/Mège Team has just published a new paper in Science Advances:
The emergence of spontaneous coordinated epithelial rotation on cylindrical curved surfaces
Three-dimensional collective epithelial rotation around a given axis represents a coordinated cellular movement driving tissue morphogenesis and transformation. Questions regarding these behaviors and their relationship with substrate curvatures are intimately linked to spontaneous…
The Plessis Lab has just published a new paper in eLife!
High hedgehog signaling is transduced by a multikinase-dependent switch controlling the apico-basal distribution of the GPCR smoothened
The oncogenic G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) Smoothened (SMO) is a key transducer of the hedgehog (HH) morphogen, which plays an essential role in the patterning of epithelial structures.…
Invited by Benoit Ladoux, Pierre Nassoy (UMR 5298 CNRS, Laboratoire de Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences) will give on October 7th a seminar entitled:
Self-assembly and mechanosensing in bloody, nervous, fat or tumoral organoids
Our lab has developed a microfluidics-assisted technique, the Cellular Capsule Technology (CCT) that enables to…
Invited by Nicolas Minc, Morgan Delarue (Team MILE, LAAS-CNRS) will give on September 30th a seminar entitled:
Cell growth under mechanical pressure
Our research focuses on compressive mechanicalstress: What happens when cells are squished? What are the biological and physical determinants of the response to compression? Is there an evolutionarily conserved response? How does…