Call for projects
Appel à projets générique – AAPG 2022
The main call of the French National Research Agency (ANR), the Call for Generic Projects 2022 (AAPG 2022) is aimed at all scientific communities and all public or private actors involved in French research. It should enable researchers in different scientific fields to access, in addition to the recurrent funding allocated to them, co-financing for a large number of research topics, whether or not they are finalised.
Opening :20/07/2021 at 16h00
Closing date for submission of pre-proposals: 02/11/2021 at 17h00
Opening of full proposals: expected mid-February 2022
Deadline for submission of detailed proposals: end of March 2022
Calendar 2020-2021 of calls for projects:
The ARC Cancer Research Foundation devotes the largest share of its resources to cancer research, whether basic, translational or clinical, including epidemiology and human and social sciences.
Each year, in order to achieve this primary mission, it allocates its own funding (non-thematic and thematic) or in partnership, through several types of calls for projects.
Scientific prizes:
The Fondation ARC Léopold Griffuel Prize is one of the most prestigious prizes in the field of scientific research, and the first cancer research prize in Europe.
The Young Investigators’ Awards are presented at the end of the ARC Foundation’s Young Investigators’ Days, an annual meeting between the foundation and young cancer researchers.
The Team in the Spotlight Awardhighlights a major advance made possible thanks to the support of the ARC Foundation in the framework of the “Labelled Programmes” call for projects.
The ERC (European Research Council) funds scientific excellence at the frontier of knowledge. It is a “white science” programme dedicated to exploratory research, for which the sole selection criterion is scientific excellence.
The ERC programme offers four types of individual fellowships:
- Starting Grant, pour les jeunes chercheurs deux à sept après obtention de leur thèse;
- Consolidator Grant, for young researchers seven to twelve years after obtaining their thesis;
- Advanced Grant, for advanced researchers;
- Proof of Conceptfor assistance with the valorisation of results The latter grant is reserved for ERC laureates.
On this page, you will find all the programmes and actions to support research proposed by the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale: general programmes (“Espoirs de la recherche”) and thematic programmes (priority areas of research) as well as the research prizes that it awards.
In 2019, the total budget for the League’s cancer research support amounted to €37.8 million. This commitment to research fulfils the primary wish of the League’s donors and testators: to fund effective research that will lead to advances that will rapidly benefit patients.
In addition to the national calls for proposals below, there are also regional and inter-regional calls for proposals.
In 2021, the call for projects “Clinical Research Platforms” is suspended.
Call for national cancer research projects
- Calendar of national calls for projects 2021 (PDF)
- Doctoral Research Grants – 4th year of thesis
- Doctoral Research Grants – 1st year of thesis (for 3 years)
- Labelled teams
- Prevention research
- Children, Adolescents and Cancer
- RNA therapeutics
- Clinical research projects
- Conference grant – Session 1
- Conference grant – Session 2
- Research mobility for clinicians – Session 1
- Research mobility for clinicians – Session 2
Consult the calls from our partners and supporters: