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Prioleau Lab – Dimeric G-quadruplex motifs-induced NFRs determine strong replication origins in vertebrates

The Prioleau Lab recently published a new article in dans Nature Communications: Dimeric G-quadruplex motifs-induced NFRs determine strong replication origins in vertebrates Abstract: Replication of vertebrate genomes is tightly regulated to ensure accurate duplication, but our understanding of the interplay between genetic and epigenetic factors in this regulation remains incomplete. Here, we investigated the involvement of three…

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Veitia Lab – Dominant negative variants and cotranslational assembly of macromolecular complexes

The Veitia Lab recently published a new article in BioEssays : Dominant negative variants and cotranslational assembly of macromolecular complexes Abstract: Pathogenic variants occurring in protein-coding regions underlie human genetic disease through various mechanisms. They can lead to a loss of function (LOF) such as in recessive conditions or in dominant conditions due to haploinsufficiency. Dominant-negative (DN)…

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Palancade Lab – Puzzling out nuclear pore complex assembly

The Palancade lab recently published a new article in FEBS Letters: Puzzling out nuclear pore complex assembly Abstract:  Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are sophisticated multiprotein assemblies embedded within the nuclear envelope and controlling the exchanges of molecules between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. In this review, we summarize the mechanisms by which these elaborate complexes are built…

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Post-doc position to study collagen secretion in healthy or fibrotic cells (M/W)

Contract Period : 24 months Expected date of employment : 1 December 2023 Apply before August, 31st 2023: Missions A post-doctoral research position is available in the "Intracellular compartmentalisation" team at the Institut Jacques Monod (UMR7592CNRS/Université Paris Cité, Paris, France) to work on a project that will study the secretion of extracellular matrix proteins. All animals have an…

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Dumont Lab – An unconventional TOG domain is required for CLASP localization

The Dumont Lab recently published an article in Current Biology: An unconventional TOG domain is required for CLASP localization Abstract: Cytoplasmic linker-associated proteins (CLASPs) form a conserved family of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) that maintain microtubules in a growing state by promoting rescue while suppressing catastrophe.1  CLASP function involves an ordered array of tumor overexpressed gene (TOG)…

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Greenberg Lab – A genome-wide screen reveals new regulators of the 2-cell-like cell state

The Greenberg Lab recently contributed to the publication of a new article in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology: A genome-wide screen reveals new regulators of the 2-cell-like cell state Abstract: In mammals, only the zygote and blastomeres of the early embryo are totipotent. This totipotency is mirrored in vitro by mouse ‘2-cell-like cells’ (2CLCs), which appear at…

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Pintard Lab – Mechanisms of nuclear pore complex disassembly by the mitotic Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK-1) in C. elegans embryos

The Pintard  lab rencently published in Science Advances: Mechanisms of nuclear pore complex disassembly by the mitotic Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK-1) in C. elegans embryos Abstract: The nuclear envelope, which protects and organizes the genome, is dismantled during mitosis. In the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote, nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD) of the parental pronuclei is spatially and temporally regulated during mitosis…

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Cadoret Lab – Firing of Replication Origins Is Disturbed by a CDK4/6 Inhibitor in a pRb-Independent Manner

The Cadoret Lab recently published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences : Firing of Replication Origins Is Disturbed by a CDK4/6 Inhibitor in a pRb-Independent Manner Abstract: Over the last decade, CDK4/6 inhibitors (palbociclib, ribociclib and abemaciclib) have emerged as promising anticancer drugs. Numerous studies have demonstrated that CDK4/6 inhibitors efficiently block the pRb-E2F pathway and induce…

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Minc Lab – Length limitation of astral microtubules orients cell divisions in murine intestinal crypts

The Minc Lab recently published a new article in Developmental Cell: Length limitation of astral microtubules orients cell divisions in murine intestinal crypts Abstract: Planar spindle orientation is critical for epithelial tissue organization and is generally instructed by the long cell-shape axis or cortical polarity domains. We introduced mouse intestinal organoids in order to study spindle…

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ProtéoSeine – Over-expression of Dyrk1A affects bleeding by modulating plasma fibronectin and fibrinogen level in mice

The ProtéoSeine plateform contributed to the publication of a new article in Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine: Over-expression of Dyrk1A affects bleeding by modulating plasma fibronectin and fibrinogen level in mice Abstract: Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal abnormality in humans. Patients with Down syndrome have hematologic disorders, including mild to moderate thrombocytopenia. In…

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