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Thesis defense – Aurélien Perrier – 1/12/23

Aurélien Perrier (Dumont) will defend his thesis: Centrosomal oocyte meiosis in the parthenogenetic nematode Rhabditophanes diutinus   The defense will take place on on Friday December 1st at 2pm in François Jacob room (IJM) and will be in French. The jury will be composed of: Jean-René HUYNH, DR, Collège de France, Rapporteur Julie PLASTINO, DR, Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS, Rapportrice Marie DELATTRE, DR,…

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Paul Conduit, winner of the Impulscience 2023 Prize of the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation

Paul Conduit, CNRS Research Fellow and head of the "Regulation of microtubules in multicellular animals" team, was awarded the Impulscience 2023 prize by the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation last night. Paul Conduit's laboratory seeks to gain a fundamental understanding of how microtubule nucleation is spatio-temporally regulated in the context of multicellular animals. Paul Conduit - Fondation Bettencourt Schueller…

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Konstantinides Lab – Evolution of patterning

The Konstantinides Lab published a new article in The FEBS Journal : Evolution of patterning   Abstract: Developing tissues are patterned in space and time; this enables them to differentiate their cell types and form complex structures to support different body plans. Although space and time are two independent entities, there are many examples of spatial patterns that…

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PhD defense – Magid Badaoui – 24/11/2023

Magid Badaoui (Minc Lab) will defend his PhD: Multiscale analysis of the mechanics of branched actin material   The defense will take place on Friday, November 24th at 2pm in François Jacob's room and will be in English. The jury will be composed of: Verena RUPRECHT - Group Leader, CRG Barcelona - Reviewer Ulrich SCHWARZ - Full…

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PhD defense – Mélanie Aubry – 23/11/2023

Mélanie Aubry (Dumont Lab) will defend ther PhD defense: Mechanisms of chromosome orientation, congression and segregation in the Caenorhabditis elegans oocyte   The PhD defense which will be held on Thursday, November 23th at 1:30 pm, in Pierre-Gilles de Gennes amphitheater (bâtiment Condorcet, 4 rue Elsa Morante, 75013 Paris) and will be in French.   The jury is composed…

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Veitia Lab – The forkhead DNA-binding domain binds specific G2-rich RNA sequences

The Veitia Lab recently published a new article in Nucleic Acids Research : The forkhead DNA-binding domain binds specific G2-rich RNA sequences   Abstract: Transcription factors contain a DNA-binding domain ensuring specific recognition of DNA target sequences. The family of forkhead (FOX) transcription factors is composed of dozens of paralogs in mammals. The forkhead domain (FHD) is a…

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Ladoux / Mège Lab – A mechanosensitive caveolae-invadosome interplay drives matrix remodelling for cancer cell invasion

Le  Ladoux / Mège recently contributed to the publication of a new article in Nature Cell biology : A mechanosensitive caveolae–invadosome interplay drives matrix remodelling for cancer cell invasion Abstract: Invadosomes and caveolae are mechanosensitive structures that are implicated in metastasis. Here, we describe a unique juxtaposition of caveola clusters and matrix degradative invadosomes at contact…

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Camadro Lab – The five pillars of computational reproducibility: bioinformatics and beyond

The Camadro Lab recently contributed to the publication of a new article in Briefing in Bioinformatics : The five pillars of computational reproducibility: bioinformatics and beyond   Abstract: Computational reproducibility is a simple premise in theory, but is difficult to achieve in practice. Building upon past efforts and proposals to maximize reproducibility and rigor in bioinformatics, we present…

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Courtier Lab – The loci of insect phenotypic evolution

The Courtier Lab recently published a new article in Current Opinion in Insect Science : The loci of insect phenotypic evolution   Abstract: Insects are important elements of terrestrial ecosystems because they pollinate plants, destroy crops, transmit diseases to livestock and humans, and are important components of food chains. Here, I used Gephebase, a manually curated database of…

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Conférence Monod-Diderot – Erin Schuman – 8/12/2023

On December 8, 2023, the Conférence Monod-Diderot will welcome Erin Schuman (Max Planck Institute for Brain Research) who will speak on the theme: Local Neuronal Transcriptomes and Proteomes   Abstract "The complex morphology of neurons, with synapses located 100’s of microns from the cell body, necessitates the localization of important cell biological machines and processes within dendrites and…

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