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Epigenomics and Paleogenomics 


We study the evolution of genomes to deepen the understanding of the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes. Recent phenotypic adaptations are ideal to explore the underlying genomic evolution while minimizing the confounding effects of genetic drift. We address these aspects through the analysis of ancient genomes from fossils, the direct witnesses of evolution, thus adding a geological or historical time-scale to evolutionary studies. We document evolutionary processes occurring over the last hundred thousand of years and push methodological limits to enable the study of more ancient samples from geographic regions where the hot climate is particularly detrimental to DNA preservation.

Keywords : evolution, genomes, ancient DNA, paleogenomics, peopling, domestication

 +33 (0)1 57 27 81 29 / +33 (0)1 57 27 81 32   Contact Thierry GRANGE / Contact Eva-Maria GEIGL