Widefield Zeiss
- High-speed multidimensional imaging for thin samples with minimal photobleaching
- Inverted microscope
- Filters cubes for all classes of fluorescent proteins
- BF; Phase contrast; Interferential contrast DIC
- Incubation for mammalian cells
- Z-stacks
- Time lapse
- Multi-position
- Tiles acquisition and stitching of images
Detailed Specifications
Axio Observer Z.1 Fully motorized Inverted stand (Zeiss Microscopy)
Motorized stage
fluorescence Cool LED pE 400 White
Fluorescence cubes filters:
- Dapi (365 D395 445/50)
- CFP (436/25 D455 480/40)
- YFP (500/24 D520 542/27)
- GFP (472/30 D495 520/35)
- RFP (531/40 D562 593/40)
- Cy5 (640/30 D660 690/50)
Available objectives:
- 5x/0.16 NeoFl dry Ph1, WD: 18,5mm, ∞/0.17
- 10x/0.45 Plan-Apo dry Ph1, WD: 2mm, ∞/0.17
- 20x/0.4 LD Plan-NeoFl dry Ph2, WD: 7.9mm, ∞/0-1.5
- 20x/0.8 Plan-Apo dry, WD: 0.550mm, ∞/0.17
- 25x/0.8 LD LCI Plan-Apo imm Corr, WD: 0.570mm, ∞/0-0.17
- 40x/0.6 LD Plan-NeoFl dry, WD: 2.9mm, ∞/0-1.5
- 40x/0.6 LD Plan-NeoFl dry Ph2, WD: 2.9mm, ∞/0-1.5
- 40x/1.3 Plan-Apo Oil, WD: 0.21mm, ∞/0.17
- 63x/1.4 Plan-Apo Oil, WD: 0.19mm, ∞/0.17
- 100x/1.4 Plan-Apo Oil, WD: 0.17mm, ∞/0.17
Environmental chamber with heating control (Life Imaging Services)
stage top incubation with CO2 and humidity control
Camera : sCMOS Orca Flash 4 LT plus; 2048 x 2048 pixels (Hamamatsu)
Workstation Z;2 Core I3 3,6Go (HP)
Intel Xeon 5620 2,4GHZ; 32 GB RAM
Acquisition software ZEN 2.3 (Blue Edition)