

The facility implements high-resolution electrospray mass spectrometers coupled to high-performance chromatographic systems. The instrumentation and bioinformatics tools used are specially selected to deliver state-of-the-art results in proteomic analysis.

Various analysis protocols are proposed by analysing intact proteins (top-down) or after digestion (bottom-up), which make it possible to tackle the following problems in particular:

  • Identification of proteins on gel or in solution
  • Characterisation of post-translational modifications (PTMs)
  • Characterisation of recombinant proteins (coverage, PTMs, process & product-related impurities, size or charge variants)
  • Search for partners (Pull-Down)
  • Biomarker research
  • Label-free quantitative analysis of proteome abundance variations
  • Analysis of specific proteomes after enrichment (e.g. phosphoproteome)
  • Analysis of complexes by MS under native conditions

The principle of operation is to first contact the platform to define an analysis protocol adapted to the project. A user sheet specifying how the platform works will be sent (also available in the “documents” section). Prior to any analysis, this form must be returned completed with the requested information. In a second step, it is sufficient to make an appointment to drop off the samples from Tuesday to Thursday in order for us to be able to process them as soon as possible.

The results generated are sent by e-mail within 2 weeks for classic approaches and are archived. The raw data are transmitted on demand as their storage and integrity are ensured by the platform in a non-contractual way. After receiving the results, the user is therefore responsible for the integrity of all his data.