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Cytoskeleton club

Institut Jacques Monod Salle François Jacob 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris, France

The next Cytoskeleton club meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 19th: Rayane Dibsy (post-doc, A. Echard’s Lab, Institut Pasteur présentera  «  The proteasome promotes cytokinetic abscission by relieving Aurora…

[Cancelled] Institut Jacques Monod Seminars – Marla Sokolowski

Institut Jacques Monod Salle François Jacob 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris, France

This seminar is cancelled.   Invited by the par l'équipe Courtier, Marla Sokolowski (Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto) will present an Institut Jacques Monod Seminar on…

Paris Postdoc Seminar – Nathaniel Henneman

Institut Jacques Monod Salle François Jacob 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris, France

Invited by the Institut Jacques Monod, Nathaniel Henneman (team of Ganna Panasyuk at Institut Necker Enfants Malades (INEM)) will present a Paris Postdoc Seminar on the theme: Nuclear functions of…

Institut Jacques Monod Lecture – Andrea Musacchio

Institut Jacques Monod Amphithéâtre Buffon 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris, France

On Friday, March 7th, Andrea Musacchio (Max Planck Institute of Molecular physiology) will present a Institut Jacques Monod Lecture on the theme: Feedback control of mitosis in the context of…

Institut Jacques Monod seminar – Mateusz C. Ambrozkiewicz

Institut Jacques Monod Salle François Jacob 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris, France

Invited by the Konstantinides Lab, Dr. Mateusz C. Ambrozkiewicz, FENS-Kavli Scholar (Institute for Cell Biology and Neurobiology, Charité University Hospital, Berlin, Germany) will present an Institut Jacques Monod seminar on…

Institut Jacques Monod Seminar – Maud Borensztein

Institut Jacques Monod Salle François Jacob 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris, France

Invited by the Greenberg Lab , Maud Borensztein (Team Epigenetic Reprogramming and Mammalian Development, IGMM, CNRS, University of Montpellier) will present an Institut Jacques Monod Seminar on the theme: Reprogramming…

Paris – Munich Epigenetics Workshop & Symposium 2025

Institut Jacques Monod Amphithéâtre Buffon 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris, France

The second edition of the Paris-Munich Epigenetics meeting will be held from 9 to 11 April 2025 in the Buffon amphitheater. Attendance is free of charge but registration is mandatory.…

Mechanobiology Conference III 2025

ICISE Quy Nhon, Vietnam 7 Đại lộ Khoa học, khu vực 2,, Quy Nhơn, Bình Định,, Viet Nam

The conference “Mechanobiology Conference III: From Fundamental Research to Applications” that will be held at the conference center in ICISE Quy Nhon, central Vietnam on July 06-12, 2025. Three members…