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International Workshop : Cycling to divide, Across Scales, Species and Evolution

Amphithéâtre Alan Turing - Bâtiment Sophie Germain 8 place Aurélie Nemours, Paris, France

The Magistère Européen de Génétique, with the support of Circle U and the Jacques Monod Institute, is organizing an International Workshop from December 3rd to December 9th, which will be…

Cytoskeleton club

Amphithéâtre de l'Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gene 6 rue Jean Clavin, Paris

The next Cytoskeleton club meeting will take place on Wednesday 11th December: Kotryna Voidziulyte (post-doc, Piel’s team) will present "Atypical nuclear phenotypes in confined cancer cells" Samya Zerkoune (PhD student,…

Institut Jacques Monod seminars – Laurent Formery

Institut Jacques Monod Salle François Jacob 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris, France

Invited by the Gazave Lab, Laurent Formery (Department of Biology, Stanford University) will present an Institut Jacques Monod seminar on the theme: Echinoderm evolution: Testing the limits of axial patterning…

Soutenance de thèse – Juliette Mandelbrojt

Institut Jacques Monod Salle François Jacob 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris, France

Juliette Mandelbrojt (équipe Prioleau) va défendre sa thèse : How do transcription and chromosomal context interfere with an efficient replication origin?   La soutenance se tiendra le jeudi 19 décembre…

Institut Jacques Monod Seminars – Lendert Gelens

Institut Jacques Monod Salle François Jacob 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris, France

Invited by the Wassmann Lab, Lendert Gelens (Laboratory of Dynamics in Biological Systems, University of Leuven, Belgium) will present an Institut Jacques Monod seminar on the theme: Nuclei coordinate the…

Second workshop on new microscopies in cell biology

Institut Jacques Monod Amphithéâtre Buffon 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris, France

The two GDRs AQV (Quantitative approaches to living systems) and IMABIO (Imaging in Biology) are organising a joint workshop on 16 January 2025 at the Institut Jacques Monod in Paris…

Institut Jacques Monod Seminar – Zayna Chaker

Invited by the Konstantinides Lab, Zayna Chaker (Institute of Functional Genomics of Lyon (IGFL) Ens de Lyon, CNRS) will present an Institut Jacques Monod Seminar on the theme: Spatio-Temporal coordination…

Paris – Munich Epigenetics Workshop & Symposium 2025

Institut Jacques Monod Amphithéâtre Buffon 15 rue Hélène Brion, Paris, France

The second edition of the Paris-Munich Epigenetics meeting will be held from 9 to 11 April 2025 in the Buffon amphitheater. Attendance is free of charge but registration is mandatory.…