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Stem Cells, Development and Evolution


Our team studies the evolution of stem cells and regeneration in animals. The main biological model studied by the team is the annelid worm, Platynereis dumerilii, an emerging model species for developmental and evolutionary studies. We characterize, with a large variety of molecular, cellular, and genomic tools, the amazing regenerative abilities of this animal, with the general aim to determine, through comparative analyses, whether regeneration in animals relies on conserved mechanisms and genetic programs or not. Using a combination of experimental and in silico approaches, we also aim to understand how stem cells involved in development, growth and regeneration have evolved in animals.

Keywords: Regeneration, stem cells, evolution, annelids, epigenetics, comparative genomics, development, germ cells, pluripotency, cell reprogramming, growth

 +33 (0)1 57 27 81 01   Contact    @stemdevevo