The Basic Principle of Lattice SIM
The Basic Principle of SMLM
The Basic Principle of TIRF
- Super resolution 3D Lattice SIM imaging for fixed or living sample
- Super resolution 3D PALM imaging for living sample
- Super resolution 3D dSTORM imaging for fixed sample
- TIRF imaging
- Inverted microscope
- Incubation for live cell timelapse – temp and CO2 control
- IR reflection based autofocus
Detailed Specifications
Zeiss Axio Observer7 stand with Definite Focus3
Motorized Piezo stage 130 mm x 100 mm
Piezo Z stage 500µm
Metal halide fluorescence source for widefield eyepiece visualization
with Blue, Green, Red fluorescence cube
Full environmental chamber with heating, humidity and CO2 control (Pecon)
405 nm (50mW), 488 nm (500mW), 561nm (500mW), 639nm (500mW)
- 10x/0,20 Plan-Neofluar M27 (420340-9901)
- 20x/0.8 Plan-Apochromat M27 (420650-9903)
- 40x/1.4 Plan-Apochromat Oil DIC M27 (420762-9900)
- 63x/1,4 Plan-Apochromat Oil DIC M27 (420762-9900-799)
- 63x/1,46 Plan-Apochromat Oil Korr M27 Var2 (420780-9971)
Two cameras Edge 4.2 CLHS (PCO), adjusted for simultaneous display of dual channel
Workstation Z6 G4 (HP)
Xeon Gold 6234 3.3GHZ; 196Go RAM
SW ZEN Black 3.4