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Hommage à Véronique Proux-Gillardeaux

C’est avec une immense tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de Véronique Proux-Gillardeaux, survenu le 26 septembre à l’âge de 52 ans, après 10 mois d'une terrible maladie. Biologiste cellulaire accomplie, Véronique s’est passionnée tout au long de sa carrière pour des questions de dynamique membranaire, de trafic vésiculaire et de polarité cellulaire. Elle avait…

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Ribes Lab – BMP2 and BMP7 cooperate with H3.3K27M to promote quiescence and invasiveness in pediatric diffuse midline gliomas

L'équipe Ribes a publié un nouvel article dans Elife: BMP2 and BMP7 cooperate with H3.3K27M to promote quiescence and invasiveness in pediatric diffuse midline gliomas   Résumé : Pediatric diffuse midline gliomas (pDMG) are an aggressive type of childhood cancer with a fatal outcome. Their major epigenetic determinism has become clear, notably with the identification of K27M mutations…

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Prioleau Lab – DciA secures bidirectional replication initiation in Vibrio cholerae

L'équipe Prioleau a publié un nouvel article dans Nucleic Acids Research : DciA secures bidirectional replication initiation in Vibrio cholerae   Résumé : Replication is initiated bidirectionally in the three domains of life by the assembly of two replication forks at an origin of replication. This is made possible by the recruitment of two replicative helicases to a nucleoprotein…

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ProtéoSeine – Cell-cycle-dependent mRNA localization in P-bodies

La plateforme ProtéoSeine a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans Molecular Cell : Cell-cycle-dependent mRNA localization in P-bodies   Résumé : Understanding the dynamics of RNA targeting to membraneless organelles is essential to disentangle their functions. Here, we investigate how P-bodies (PBs) evolve during cell-cycle progression in HEK293 cells. PB purification across the cell cycle…

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Courtier Lab – Adhesive and mechanical properties of the glue produced by 25 Drosophila species

L'équipe Courtier a publié un nouvel article dans Scientific Reports : Adhesive and mechanical properties of the glue produced by 25 Drosophila species   Résumé : Drosophila glue, a bioadhesive produced by fly larvae to attach themselves to a substrate for several days, has recently gained attention for its peculiar adhesive and mechanical properties. Although Drosophila glue production was described more than 50 years…

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Dumont Lab – Regulation of outer kinetochore assembly during meiosis I and II by CENP-A and KNL-2/M18BP1 in C. elegans oocytes

L'équipe Dumont a publié un nouvel article dans Current Biology : Regulation of outer kinetochore assembly during meiosis I and II by CENP-A and KNL-2/M18BP1 in C. elegans oocytes   Résumé : During cell division, chromosomes build kinetochores that attach to spindle microtubules. Kinetochores usually form at the centromeres, which contain CENP-A nucleosomes. The outer kinetochore, which is the core…

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Pintard Lab – Enhanced Golden Gate Assembly: evaluating overhang strength for improved ligation efficiency

L'équipe Pintard a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans Nucleic Acids Research : Enhanced Golden Gate Assembly: evaluating overhang strength for improved ligation efficiency   Résumé : Molecular cloning, a routine yet essential technique, relies heavily on efficient ligation, which can be significantly improved using Golden Gate Assembly (GGA). A key component of GGA is the use…

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Gazave Lab – Evolution of apoptotic signalling pathways within lophotrochozoans

L'équipe Gazave a publié un nouvel article dans Genome Biology and Evolution : Evolution of apoptotic signalling pathways within lophotrochozoans   Résumé : Apoptosis is the main form of regulated cell death in metazoans. Apoptotic pathways are well characterised in nematode, fly and mammals, leading to a vision of the conservation of apoptotic pathways in metazoans. However, we…

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Minc Lab – Un rôle des microtubules astraux dans l’orientation de la division cellulaire

L'équipe Minc a contribué à la publication d'un nouvel article dans Médecine / Sciences : Un rôle des microtubules astraux dans l’orientation de la division cellulaire   Smolen P, Ruiz L, Barai A, Minc N, Delacour D. Un rôle des microtubules astraux dans l’orientation de la division cellulaire - Quand la longueur compte… aussi ! [A role…

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Greenberg Lab – The impact of the embryonic DNA methylation program on CTCF-mediated genome regulation

L'équipe Greenberg a publié un nouvel article dans Nucleic Acids Research : The impact of the embryonic DNA methylation program on CTCF-mediated genome regulation   Résumé : During mammalian embryogenesis, both the 5-cytosine DNA methylation (5meC) landscape and three dimensional (3D) chromatin architecture are profoundly remodeled during a process known as ‘epigenetic reprogramming.’ An understudied aspect of epigenetic…

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