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Paris Postdoc Seminars – Alexandre Garneau

22 octobre 2024 - 11 h 45 min - 13 h 00 min

Invité par l’Institut Jacques Monod, Alexandre Garneau (Université Paris Cité, INSERM U1151, Institut Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France) va présenter un Paris Postdoc Seminars sur le thème :

Impact of the AKT2E17K gain-of-function mutation in mouse models



Alexandre obtained a PhD in Physical activity sciences from Université de Montréal (Canada) in 2022. During his doctoral studies under the cosupervision of cardiovascular physiologist Julie L. Lavoie (CHUM Research Center) and nephrologist Dr. Paul Isenring (L’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec Research Center), he investigated the cardiovascular and metabolic phenotype displayed by a mouse model of neuropathy which was knocked out for the ion transporter KCC3. He also conducted an internship at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, USA) under the supervision of Prof. Eric Delpire in order to characterize a corresponding gain-of-function mouse model.

Alexandre joined Dr. Guillaume Canaud’s team in April 2022 as a postdoctoral researcher to study the role of AKT2 in metabolic and cellular physiology. His interest is focused particularly on the implication of AKT2 in energy metabolism and cell survival. He will present his data obtained using systemic and tissue-specific inducible mouse models expressing a gain-of-function variant found in humans.


Date :
22 octobre 2024
Heure :
11 h 45 min - 13 h 00 min


Institut Jacques Monod Salle François Jacob
15 rue Hélène Brion
Paris, 75013 France
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