Institut Jacques Monod

Séminaire de l’IJM – Mustafa Mir – 10/04/2024

Invité par l‘équipe Ribes, Mustafa Mir (Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute) présentera un séminaire de l’Institut Jacques Monod sur le thème :

Molecular kinetics of gene regulation during embryonic development


Résumé :

During early development gene expression patterns progressively emerge as cell fates are determined and the embryo takes form.  I will discuss the application of high-resolution light-sheet microscopy, single molecule tracking, and new analysis approaches to quantify the molecular scale interactions that orchestrate this patterning. I will show how transient assemblies of transcriptional regulators shape the nucleoplasm to regulate gene expression and discuss how combining live imaging and genomics allows us to elucidate how transcription factors efficiently find and bind their targets to regulate transcription.


Le séminaire se déroulera mercredi 10 avril 2024 à 11h en salle François Jacob (15 rue Hélène Brion)

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