Institut Jacques Monod

Séminaire IJM – Christophe Leterrier – 31/05/2024

Invité par l’équipe Ladoux/Mège, Christophe Leterrier (Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, INP, NeuroCyto Lab) présentera un séminaire de l’Institut Jacques Monod sur le thème :

The axonal cytoskeleton down to the nanoscale


Résumé :

The intricate arborization and molecular identity of axons is maintained for decades, but must also continuously adapt to changes in the environment and modulate the activity of neurons. Axons fulfill these paradoxical demands thanks to a unique cytoskeletal organization that ensures the coordinated transport, anchoring and assembly of axonal components. In our lab, we use super-resolution microscopy to delineate and map the nanoscale architecture of cytoskeletal structures within the axon: the periodic actin/spectrin submembrane scaffold, intra-axonal hotspots and trails, presynaptic actin assemblies, clathrin-coated pits. We are exploring their molecular organization and functions by combining versatile labeling approaches, correlative live-cell/super-resolution/electron microscopy and quantitative analysis that allow for high-content, nanoscale interrogation of the axonal architecture.


Le séminaire aura lieu vendredi 31 mai à 11h45 en salle François Jacob ( 15 rue Hélène Brion 75013 Paris)


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